How to Enter SPIRITS / Rules
Contact Debra Del Fiorentino, debra@winecompetitions.com
Entries may only be made online for this competition.
The entry fee of $345 per entry applies with your enter online at TheDataStill.com. You may pay by check or credit card. ($195. for entries in the Mixers and Pre- mixed Canned and Bottled Cocktails, "RTD" ready to drink)
An official entry consists of two 750 ml bottles of spirit type.
EnofileOnline customers may enter directly through their TheDataStill.com account.
All entered spirits must be available to the general public.
Certain classes will be subdivided by price, at the discretion of the Chief Judge.
Entrants must specify the suggested retail price (SRP) for each entry.
See additional information on the Sunset International Spirits Competition page. sunsetcompetitions.com
Categories - a list of categories may be found by choosing "How to Enter" on the main page, and "Spirits Catagories".
entries & DEADLINES
Completed entries and fees must be made online by the stated deadline date. See competition page for specific deadlines. Online entries: winecompetitions.com , thedatastill.com or sunsetcompetitions.com. No refunds for cancellations will be made after the close of entry date, however a credit may be applied toward entry in a future competition (contact Debra Del Fiorentino, debra@winecompetitions.com for details).
Entrants should specify class number of entry, or a class will be selected at the discretion of the Chief Judge. A spirit can be entered in a single class only.
Shipments must arrive at Express Wine Delivery by the stated date. Clearly mark boxes on all sides for
"Sunset International Spirits Competition Entry". Indicate box 1 of 2, 2 of 2, etc. to ensure entire shipment is received. Please ship two 750 ml. or equivalent bottles per spirit type entered. Please ship all entries c/o Wine Country Shipping, 7970 Cameron Dr., Windsor CA, 95492. Click on pdf icon below to download
pre-addressed shipping labels.
Panels will be comprised of qualified members of media, spirit research, distilling, spirits education and marketing. Majority will rule in reaching a consensus. New bottles will be opened for medal-round tasting. Only Best of Class winners will be receiving medals automatically. Gold medals will be made available upon request. Digital plaques will be available for all winners for use on websites, social media sites and/or email campaign
Award recipients will be notified within 10 working days of the last day of the competition.
Only Best of Class winners will be receiving medals automatically. Gold medals will be made available upon request. Digital plaques will be available for all winners for use on websites, social media sites and/or email campaign. Medal winners will also be posted at on this website and at TheDataStill.com within ten (10) working days of the final judging day.
Any spirits remaining at the conclusion of the judging becomes the property of Wine and Spirits Competitions Management & Productions.
SPIRITS SPECIAL ISSUE: Available mid-October a special non-print, digital edition with supporting microsite will launch. The ad opportunities will include digital edition directory ads and full page ads along with a paid digital listing with label or logo image included on Sunset.com page with URL link to your website and a “Buy Button” included on Awards page on Sunset.com. Also, there is a logo award licensing program available that allows entrants to use the logo award in several ways on several platforms.